"In the morning
when I rise,
In the morning
when I rise,
In the morning
when I rise,
give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
give me Jesus.
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus."
Mornings are such a struggle for me. I hate waking up. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE morning time. I love them in the summer when the air is cool just as the sun peaks over the hills. I love hearing the birds singing, and smelling the freshness of the new day. It makes me so happy.
But waking up is another story. I don't like to say that I'm not a morning person, because like I just said, I love mornings. It's just the whole part about getting out of my warm bed, realizing all of the tasks that need to be done, and the fact that I can't go back to sleep.
I love sleep.
My usual morning routine goes something like this:
*wake up
*wake up again
*lay in bed until my mom insists that I actually get out of my room
*drink coffee and scroll through my ipod, still half asleep
*possibly take a little nap before my second cup of coffee
*repeat all steps
A little exaggerated? Maybe. But that's pretty much how it goes. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to motivation.
Lately however, God has been laying something on my heart. Every day brings a new trial. Every day, I must make decisions. For these trials and decisions, I must be prepared. He has shown me, that the only way to prepare myself, is to start the day with Him. I can easily wake up with a negative spirit. It's not hard to find something to grumble about (like having to wake up for example). But when I start my day in the Word, just me and Jesus, and I make an effort to fill myself up with Him, it leaves no room for a negative spirit. I am instantly refreshed and supplied with a new joy and peace in my heart, and I am ready for the tasks, trials, and decisions I face with the new day.
"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly." {Psalm 5:3}
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