Monday, July 1, 2013

Close My Eyes

Like a rider covers his horse's eyes

Leading it through the flames

You cover mine and hold my hand

You say,

"Walk this way

don't look

just follow Me."

When I am past the flames

You uncover my eyes

and reveal Your splendor

I hear you say:

"Don't look back

I've already brought you

through the past

only look at what I'm giving you

in this moment.

Look at the sky

drink it's peacefulness.

Hear the wind

embrace its coolness.

Now, daughter,

look at Me

and rest

In My presence."

I wrote that this morning. I've been having one of those weeks where everything seems to frighten me. I look around and I feel like my world is caving in. Of course it's not, but you know how emotions can cloud over and take captive of your mind.

I'm sure we've all seen those movies where a barn, or stable catches on fire. The animals inside are going crazy and all the stable hands are rushing to get things out. The fire is growing bigger by the second and the air is tense. The stable hand comes to the horse and holds his hands over it's eyes, then proceeds to lead it out. You now notice that the horse is somewhat calm. Why? Because it can't see what is going on around it, and therefore doesn't panic. The horse doesn't freak out because he can't see where it's going. It just follows it's leader's pull of the rope. 

Then I realized, that sometimes, I need my Leader to close my eyes. I need him to grab my hand and throw his arms over my face to keep me from seeing. I'm not saying that God will blind us from what goes on in the world. But there comes a time when we need to shut off our vision, and just let our Father lead the way. Don't be afraid to be the horse. Instead of searching for your own way out of the fire, ask God to cover you and then put all of your trust in Him. And after he has led you through the fire, do not look back. Only look forward into His eyes, into His freeing love, into His beautiful splendor, and rest in His presence.

"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths." 
           Proverbs 4:11

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